Welcome to the MEDsan COVID-19 rapid test survey

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this data collection.

We firmly believe that rapid test procedures are only helpful in the fight against SARS-CoV 2 in connection with data collection. The data you provide not only helps to continuously develop the product. It also helps to better understand COVID-19 and to develop appropriate measures to combat it.

Of course, all data are collected anonymously and do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about individual persons.

If you registered at our Expert Group you also can download the Questionair fo fill in offline and sent to us as pdf.

You don’t even need 2 minutes to fill out the questionnaire.

In case you got a tag number or similar, please insert above.
Please specify your profession. This information helps us to understand the specific application groups and we are able to develop more convenient prodcts.
Choose your product if it´s not a MEDsan COVID-19 rapid test.
Please enter the name and/or brand of your device.
This number is usually printed on the pouch of the test kit.
Choos your location
Choos your nationality
Enter the weight in full kg please.
Insert the hight in full cm please.
Which other symptoms does the tested person have?
Please enter additional information on the PCR, ELISA or sequenzing results.
Please specify health conditions in case you think they have impact on COVID-19.
Please insert how often a rapid test was made for the tested person before this one.
In case your device shows results you can´t choose from the list above you can enter the result in here.

MEDsan GmbH
Brandshofer Deich 10
20539 Hamburg

e-mail: | Fax: +49 40 228 58 56 99 | MEDsan.eu

© 2020 – MEDsan GmbH

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