Why MEDsan® COVID-19 tests?
Our tests are registered with the BfArM as CE IVD (In Vitro Diagnostic Device). Our tests provide rapid results within 15-20 minutes. The tests are easy to perform and have a simple handling. You get everything from one kit. Our products have an excellent detection limit. For more information about our tests, please visit

DID-21 our answer to COVID-19

The novel virus SARS-CoV-2 and the resulting disease COVID-19 have determined our lives for quite some time. A lot is still unclear and a lot had to be corrected from initial assumptions. But it is also clear: detection of the virus, a strong immune system and the correct disinfection are part of the key to the solution. DETECTION, IMMUNIZATION and DISINFECTION - DID-21


With our Taskforce Mobile, we support you where you need us.
With our Products, we offer you the possibility to have the test carried out directly at your site and thus also to obtain results quickly and reliably.
This means: We visit you and our professionally trained staff carries out the test on site.

What the press say

apotheke adhoc

apotheke adhoc

News specialist portal

"Berlin - PCR testing remains the gold standard for the detection of Sars-CoV-2, and Medsan has launched a mobile point-of-care solution for the simultaneous determination of numerous swab samples. The BioeXsen ultra-RT-PCR device can test up to 180 samples within 30 minutes. Dr. Thomas Wüstefeld, CEO of Medsan, is well aware of the advantages of PCR. In contrast to the rapid antigen test, the so-called Ct value is determined here; with the help of this value, statements can be made about how infectious a person is."



Daily newspaper

"This hamburger saved the HSV game.
This time it was possible to play. Because Dr. Thomas Wüstefeld from Hamburg and his company MEDsan (446 employees in five countries) arrived at the hotel in the morning and tested the entire Würzburg delegation with rapid tests. It takes about 15 minutes per person, and the reliability is over 96 percent."

FOCUS Online

FOCUS Online


"Hamburg-based company sanaGroup develops rapid corona test
The Hamburg-based company SanaGroup now wants to optimize this procedure. It has developed a rapid antigen test that should provide a meaningful result after just 15 minutes.
The accelerated test procedure is intended to save valuable time - which may be lacking elsewhere. "We're all about providing a quick result so that a cruise or a flight or an event can take place safely," Wüstefeld explains."

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+49 (40) 38 02 38 38
Mon - Fri, 9:00-17:00

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